
What’s More Fun Than a Blog Tour?

I happened upon PhoenixBites through my dear friend Amy. She started this journey and was gracious enough to bring me along for the ride. As life presents its twists and turns, my dear friend moved away and now I am running the ship. I have some pretty big and fabulous shoes to fill, and I am doing my best!

PhoenixBites has evolved throughout the years and I am so thankful for all of the opportunities it has afforded me. I began writing as a way to have something for myself. As a mother of two boys, a wife and a full time corporate job having lady, I really wanted something that was just for fun; a creative outlet. Now, it so much more than a hobby and my love for the process has only grown.

I would like to thank another dear friend for asking me to participate in this blog tour. Theresa of Foodhunter’s Guide is a fellow food lover who offers up great recipes and commentary. She’s also mighty fun to sit next to at a dinner party! Check out her blog to get great menu ideas, tips on eating healthier and her thoughts on local restaurants.

Blog Tour Questions

1. What am I currently working on?

I do have a few tricks up my sleeve that will be revealed in the next few months, for now I am working on providing more content to the site with the current Summer Menu Series as well as adding the Events Calendar. I am constantly on the look out for new restaurants and local products to feature.

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

I like to think that it’s just a matter of perspective. The food writing community in Phoenix is full of extremely talented individuals, all who are stars in my mind. We all have different backgrounds, lifestyles and tastes. I think that one thing that sets me apart, at least a smidge, is that I try to always be positive. If there is a dinner, product or experience that didn’t sit well with me, I won’t write about it. You can take ten different people and give them the same experience and each individual is going to have a differing perspective. There are enough people, things and experiences that are negative in the world, and I just don’t have any desire to be a part of that. Now, that’s not to say that I would say that something was good if it wasn’t, like most of our grandmothers taught us; “If you don’t have anything nice to say…”

3. Why do I write what I do?

I absolutely love the diversity in the food and restaurants here in the Valley. There truly is something for everyone. I, of course, enjoy the eating part of the gig, but more than that I really enjoy finding out where the Chef’s ideas and inspirations come from. I am fascinated with the people behind the food.

4. How does my writing process work? 

I like to take a ton of photos and sit with the meal or product that I am writing about and then I try to write as if I was recounting the experience to a friend. I want readers to feel as if they are part of the experience from start to finish.

Featured Bloggers

I met Tabitha of TabithaDarnGood at Camp Blogaway back in May. She is a sweet and hilarious lady. Her goal is to make a new 5 star recipe in her own kitchen each and every night. She is humble and real , and her writing style is comfortable and familiar. Her Cinnamon Bun Scones are the stuff dreams are made of and I cannot wait to try her Lentils with Mustard Herb Butter.

Another doll that I met at Camp Blogaway was Barbara of Barbara Cooks. She is a classic home cook, author, recipe developer and all around fabulous food lover. She resides in San Diego and uses the abundant fresh  and local produce to create her dishes as well as to experiment with new ones. She is currently waiting the arrival of her first child and I can’t wait to see how her content evolves as she maneuvers through parenthood.My absolute favorite recipe of Barbara’s that I have recreated at home was her Smoked Salmon and Dill Potato Salad; all the goodness of an everything bagel with the comforting taste and texture of potatoes.

A local favorite of mine is Wendy of Around My Family Table. Wendy is a stay at home mother with a child who has dietary restrictions and found out in the last few years that she has her own grouping of food allergies. Her recipes are fanciful and fun all the while being delicious! Her Slow Cooker Sausage Dip is a winner in my kitchen. She gives you tips on how to adjust the recipe to be vegetarian or allergy friendly. (She also has a lot of other fun categories!)

As Sister Maria  would say, these are just a few of my favorite things! The burgeoning food community is full of a variety of players. From home cooks, recipe developers and the eaters like me. There is space for all of us, and I love the variety of stories we all have to tell!

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