
Where to buy Alcantara Wines here in the Valley

Unless you’re geared up for a road trip to parts North or South, it is often a chore to get our own Arizona wines back down here in the valley.  Recently, many have asked how to get Alcantara wines without having to join their wine club or taking a ride on the I-17.

Being as accommodating as ever, Alcantara recently published a list of local wine outlets that stock a selection of their wines.  This is great news for those of us who want to save a little on gas to buy more wine!

Just in case you haven’t heard about Alcantara, they are located up in the Verde Valley near Cottonwood.  It is no big deal getting there, but sometimes there are other things that just get in the way.  So they’ve made arrangements with these retailers all over the valley to make it easy to pick up a bottle or two.

Here they are:

  1. Vino100, Phoenix
  2. StudioVino, Tempe
  3. AJ’s, Chandler (in a special display with the other AZ wines)
  4. Whole Foods, Chandler

Be sure to try some of their wines that are sourced from California.  Alcantara has access to some really excellent fruit and bottle these under their label at the Cottonwood winery.  Until their relatively young Arizona vineyards are really in full swing, the California option is quite good, especially the Italian varietals.

Article by Tom Peiffer, Phoenix Wine Shopping Examiner at

View more of Tom’s articles on by visiting his writer’s page.

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